Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

First thoughts on the Health Care Bill--HR 3200

So, I finished reading HR 3200--Obama Care...all 1,000's not that hard to read these bills...but reading between the lines takes some analysis. How does sending our money to Washington so they can send it to the States so they can pay our doctor for what a committee of 18 people--half of which are political appointees--prescribe for our treatment is an improvement over what we have now? How? is that better or more efficient than preserving our freedom to choose our own health care providers and pay them directly?

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Okay...this is my first posting via posterous. If all goes well it posts to FB, Twitter and Blogger

Posted via email from joechilds's posterous

My First Blog

Hello world!
I'm finally up and running with a blog spot. Check back for things of interest to me...mostly things related to business and the economy, plus some of my research.